What Affects Your Mesothelioma Case Value?
Nicole Winch | February 4, 2020
As a mesothelioma patient, you and your family may be entitled to compensation for your disease. Each victim’s case is unique, and compensation amounts vary depending on numerous factors.
The mesothelioma attorneys at BCBH Law have worked with asbestos exposure victims for decades and helped many people receive a substantial compensation amount. Our lawyers want you, as the patient, focused on recovering from this cancer, so we have listed all aspects that affect your mesothelioma case value.
Here are seven factors that can affect how much compensation you should expect from your case.
Amount of Time in an At-Risk Occupation
The most common cause of mesothelioma is from occupational asbestos exposure. People who worked in jobs that dealt with asbestos on a daily basis have an increased risk in developing this disease. High-risk occupations include auto mechanic, construction work and mining. Veterans who served in the military also were exposed to high levels of this toxic substance and make up the largest group of people diagnosed with mesothelioma.
The Number of Companies Involved
During the 20th century, there was a long list of companies that manufactured asbestos and put their workers at risk for years. The corporations valued their profits and bottom line over the health and safety of their workers — and the general public. Their actions to continuously produce and sell asbestos — despite knowing the substance was dangerous — was malicious and immoral, and worthy of legal punishment.
Each patient is not limited to just one mesothelioma claim. There could be numerous at-fault companies, and each one should be held accountable. The more companies involved in your disease, the higher your mesothelioma case value likely is.
At BCBH Law, our lawyers have helped many patients file claims against numerous asbestos-involved companies. Even those that are bankrupt can compensate you through asbestos trust funds.
Expenses for Medical Treatment
Mesothelioma treatment can be costly — sometimes reaching the hundreds of thousands of dollars — and can easily put a family under financial strain. Mesothelioma compensation can offset the cost of medical treatment, extinguish bills and debt, and even help patients in need of future medical care. Courts consider the cost of your treatment when determining how much compensation you deserve.
Number of Dependents
The size of a patient’s immediate family can determine how much compensation they receive. Victims who are married typically have a higher mesothelioma case value than those who are single. Patients who have children usually receive more compensation than those who don’t have any dependents. This factor ensures the family regains its financial stability, as mesothelioma not only affects the patient but the loved ones as well.
Economic Loss
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer, one which reduces strength and energy for patients. Many who have this disease are unable to work full-time soon after their diagnosis or starting treatment. Lost wages and earnings that the patient would have contributed to their family is factored into compensation.
If a patient dies, then any earnings they would have had may be considered. The family also must pay for funeral expenses, which should be covered by the at-fault company.
Pain and Suffering
The death of a family member is never easy, especially as a result of another company’s negligence. The loss of companionship, love and guidance almost always takes a huge emotional toll on the family. These emotional struggles are taken into account when determining compensation.
Pain and suffering is connected to how many dependents were affected by the patient’s diagnosis and death. The larger a patient’s family, the more pain and suffering there likely will be.
Plaintiff’s Age
Patients who are diagnosed at a younger age are inclined to have a higher mesothelioma case value because more of their life is lost due to cancer. Younger patients have more life to live than older patients, and thus the courts quantify those lost years as a larger tragedy.
At BCBH Law, we know that determining a mesothelioma case value is a complex process. Hire one of our experienced lawyers to evaluate your asbestos exposure, personal history, economic loss and more. Doing so will maximize your mesothelioma case value and reduce the financial burdens placed on your family due to this disease.