Six Questions About Mesothelioma Claims for Navy Veterans
Nicole Winch | June 16, 2020
United States veterans make up the largest group of Americans diagnosed with mesothelioma. However, Navy veterans have the highest risk of any military branch of developing this cancer.
This is primarily because a majority of their time was spent on ships or in shipyards, where asbestos was heavily used.
If you or your loved one served in the U.S. Navy and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you can get help. Dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis on your own — without any financial or legal assistance — is a burden you shouldn’t need to carry. At BCBH Law, we pledge to helping veterans file Veterans Affairs claims and mesothelioma legal claims. This much-needed compensation helps many veterans and their families pay for medical treatments and lost wages caused by their illness.
The idea of filing a VA claim or lawsuit may appear overwhelming or leave you with quite a few concerns. We have compiled a list of the most common questions Navy veterans ask about their mesothelioma claims. To best serve you and provide as much information as possible, before you ever meet with us, we provide the answers.
1. How Do I File a VA Claim?
There are two ways that you can file a VA claim: online or in person at your local VA office. While it is possible to file a claim on your own, the process can be lengthy and confusing.
Most veterans aren’t experts in the VA claims process. Filing a claim incorrectly — or not including the correct documentation — could delay receiving benefits or result in a discouraging denial. Getting help from an expert ensures that you get the most compensation available from your VA claim.
At BCBH Law, we can put you in touch with a Veterans Service Representative (VSR) who is an accredited VA claims agent. Our VSR has years of experience and specializes in all asbestos-related disease claims.
2. Do I Have to Pay to File a VA Claim?
No, you do not. There is no cost to file a VA claim. Veterans may opt to pay for help with their claims. However, there are free resources available.
The Veteran Service Representatives our firm works with will assist in filing your VA claim for free. These VSRs make the VA claims process simple and will answer any questions.
3. What Benefits Are Available to Me?
In order to determine what benefits you qualify for, the VA considers a few factors. The claim is first based on if the disease happened due to exposure occurring before, during or after your service in the Navy.
Since mesothelioma takes 20-50 years to develop, tracking the cause of your cancer is challenging. However, asbestos exposure to Navy veterans was so common for decades that connecting service to mesothelioma is common sense The VA still requires evidence of your asbestos exposure in the military in order for you to receive VA Disability compensation.
If you are eligible for VA Disability Compensation, the VA will then rate your level of disability on a scale of 0 to 100 percent. This scale determines your monthly compensation amount, based on a maximum set by the VA.
The VA has determined that mesothelioma cases automatically receive a 100-percent rating. If approved, you can receive the following disability compensation:
- Single veterans: $3,106.04
- Married veterans:$3,729.22
- Married veterans with a dependent: $3,684.01
4. Can My Loved Ones Receive Compensation?
Spouses or dependents of a deceased Navy veteran can also apply for compensation from the VA. Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is available to dependents of veterans who have passed away from a service-related illness. This compensation helps families pay for funeral expenses and any other unforeseen expenses due to their loved ones’ cancer.
5. Why Should I Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer?
There are thousands of law firms across the United States. However, not all of them are experts in mesothelioma litigation. They’re also not experienced in guiding people through VA claims.
Whether you need help filing a VA claim or legal case, it’s always important to hire a national mesothelioma lawyer. They can file legal claims in multiple jurisdictions and are more likely to have experience helping with VA claims.
Our firm has worked with Navy veterans for over 20 years. We know how Navy mesothelioma claims work — and what to prioritize during the process.
6. Does Hiring a Mesothelioma Lawyer Exclude Me From Receiving VA Benefits?
No, it does not. You can file a mesothelioma legal claim along with a VA claim. Although most veterans receive their mesothelioma compensation through VA claims, they may be eligible for additional compensation through a lawsuit or asbestos trust fund.
Hiring a lawyer to help you navigate this process will not exclude you from receiving your VA benefits. In fact, you should hire a lawyer before filing a VA claim to ensure your accounts are consistent and work in your and your family’s favor.
At BCBH Law, we have attorneys waiting to help you begin your mesothelioma claim process. Fill out one of free case evaluation forms today and see what financial options are available for you and your family.