Comparing Verdicts and Settlements for Mesothelioma Claims
Nicole Winch | January 7, 2020
The companies that once manufactured and produced asbestos-ridden products are responsible for the thousands of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. As a victim of asbestos exposure, you have compensation options available to help cover the cost of treatments or other unforeseen expenses.
If you pursue legal action for your asbestos disease — whether it’s mesothelioma or lung cancer — one option is filing a lawsuit. This avenue in a mesothelioma claim will most likely lead to receiving compensation through either a settlement or verdict.
As a victim of asbestos exposure, you should know the differences between the two.
Mesothelioma Settlements
Most times the outcome of a mesothelioma lawsuit ends in a settlement, which are agreed-upon monetary payments between the two parties involved in a legal conflict. When you settle a mesothelioma claim, you bypass the stress of going to court and are guaranteed to receive compensation.
While trials can take several years before reaching a mesothelioma verdict, mesothelioma settlements can expedite the time it takes for you to receive your payout. Settlement compensation usually reaches the mesothelioma patient quickly, whereas a verdict could lead to years of appeals and stalling the payment to the victim.
There are several variables involved in negotiating settlement amounts with asbestos companies. Although each case is unique, certain topics arise in nearly every case:
- Medical expenses you’ve incurred due to your asbestos disease
- Lost wages due to deteriorating health and inability to work
- Asbestos exposure history, including which and how many companies are responsible
- The impact your diagnosis has had on your loved ones
Your lawyer should process your case as if it is going to trial. They need to gather evidence, record depositions and handle pretrial motions. If you have strong legal representation building your case and showing that your diagnosis is connected to asbestos exposure, then the defendants often will seek a settlement.
The lawyers at Bullock Campbell Bullock & Harris have helped many mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer patients reach settlements. The attorneys have 20 years of experience handling asbestos litigation and understand the mesothelioma case process, including how to prove the diagnosis is caused by asbestos.
Here are a few examples of the mesothelioma settlements our lawyers at BCBH Law have won for past clients:
- Pipefitter, age 81, $6.75 million
- Construction worker, age 57, $3.95 million
- Army veteran, age 73, $3.45 million
- Navy veteran, age 77, $2.77 million
If interested, you can see more of our top mesothelioma settlements. BCBH Law knows that your time is valuable, which is why our attorneys work hard to resolve your case outside of the courtroom.
Mesothelioma Verdicts
When a mesothelioma case goes to trial, it often ends in a favorable verdict for the patient. Asbestos is proven as the only cause of mesothelioma, and this fact has led to countless companies being deemed responsible for their negligent acts.
A verdict is the decision a jury makes in a trial. Although rare, mesothelioma lawsuits will go to trial if a settlement couldn’t be reached between the parties involved. In these situations, patients must wait for a successful verdict to receive their compensation. Your lawyer will still be able to negotiate a settlement amount even during the trial, up until when the verdict is delivered.
Going to trial poses a greater risk because of the high degree of uncertainty. Knowing what the judge or jury on your case will decide as the final verdict is difficult. The jury may have swayed opinions and you might face the risk of losing the verdict.
However, seeking a verdict can also benefit you. Verdicts often result in much larger compensation payments than settlements. There have been reports of mesothelioma verdicts topping $10 million and even $20 million.
At BCBH Law, our experienced lawyers can assess and explain the benefits and risks of taking your specific mesothelioma claim to trial. Our attorneys will guide you in the direction that will combine receiving most compensation possible and in the quickest amount of time. Contact us today for more information on whether your case is best-suited for a trial and verdict or negotiating a settlement.